Maximize Profits For Your Shopify Store with Intelligems Personalizations

Product Updates

Aug 19, 2024

Maximize Profits For Your Shopify Store with Intelligems Personalizations

Personalized content, offers, and prices to drive conversions and repeat purchases — all without a single line of code.

Drew Marconi

From landing pages and product recommendations to copy and images, personalizing every element of your Shopify store creates an exceptional customer experience that drives profit and conversions.

Unfortunately, rolling out these changes often requires a series of time-consuming Shopify add-ons and custom Javascript code. Even with these adjustments, creating a truly bespoke experience for every single visitor isn’t currently an option on Shopify.

This is why we built Intelligems’ all-new Personalizations feature, ensuring you can put the right content, discounts, and products in front of all customer segments — in minutes. 

Meet Intelligems’ Personalizations 

Intelligems Personalizations allow you to create highly personalized experiences that will help you drive engagement and grow your bottom line with minimal lift for your team. Use Personalizations to: 

  • Offer discounts, free shipping, and gifts with a qualifying purchase for select audiences

  • Deliver product collections based on different audience attributes

  • Edit text, buttons, and images quickly — without dev support

With a single click, you can pick your winning test variant and roll out personalizations to top-performing customer segments. Or, if you want to build a personalization from scratch, you can easily select custom modifications (like discounts, images, code changes, etc.) for specific target audiences directly in Intelligems.

Create targeted promotions to drive more conversions

From discounts for first-time visitors to special promotions for loyal shoppers, Intelligems Personalizations help you ensure users receive the right promotion at the right time, eliminating discount code leakage, increasing conversions, and maximizing AOV.

Continue the narrative from ad to landing page 

With a single link, create personalized experiences that foster deep customer relationships. Intelligems Personalizations let you deliver the optimal version of your site to every visitor without managing multiple live page variants.

Enable personalized product discovery for bespoke customer experiences

Give each customer an exceptionally tailored experience that drives conversions and keeps them coming back for more. Intelligems allows you to build personalizations with different product collections for select audiences based on their location, traffic source, cookies, and more.

Quickly roll out winning test variants

Historically, targeting specific audiences with your Shopify store was nearly impossible, leading to thousands of dollars lost on customer experiences that don’t resonate. Intelligems Personalizations let you roll out winning test variants to distinct segments as soon as you have your test results. Use the learnings from your tests to create targeted personalizations based on winning audiences (like device, traffic source, or visitor type). 

Make quick codeless edits

Easily deploy small on-site edits at scale without the need to wait on dev support or access to Shopify. Change your CTA, replace buttons, and move elements directly in Intelligems, ensuring every optimization goes live across your entire site at once. 

Personalize every aspect of your website with Intelligems 

Personalizations are now available to all Intelligems users. Log in to roll out your first customization and start testing it today.

Not on Intelligems yet? Book a demo to learn how you can maximize your profits and save valuable time with Intelligems Personalizations. Or try Intelligems free for 7 days to get started.

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Ecommerce Strategy



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