How Laura Geller used Automatic Discounts to Boost Promo Profit by 17%

How Laura Geller used Automatic Discounts to Boost Promo Profit by 17%

How Laura Geller used Automatic Discounts to Boost Promo Profit by 17%

Laura Geller used Intelligems's auto-applied discounts to replace discount codes and boost conversion/profit for one of their biggest annual promotions.








Laura Geller is a provider of beauty and cosmetics products. Founded by the make-up industry veteran of the same name, the brand is famous for its game-changing Spackle and Baked Make-up. Product prices typically range from $10 to $100.

Laura Geller leverages email lists in Klaviyo to run and advertise its major promotions, including their recent sale on Baked Make-up, which discounted these products by 45% for one unit, 50% for two units and 55% for three or more units.


Historically, promotion discounts had primarily been implemented through discount codes, but the team had gotten feedback from customers that codes caused friction at checkout (customers typed in codes incorrectly, lost the codes or didn’t want to go back to emails to find them, etc.). They wanted to replace the discount codes for these promotions with automatically applied discounts.

The integration had to be low-code with no major dev work and had to work seamlessly with their existing Klaviyo segments and flows. Additionally, the team at Laura Geller wanted to make it more obvious when a customer landed on their site from one of these email campaigns that they were getting a special discount, and therefore make the customers more likely to convert.

Key Goals

  • Automatically apply discounts for targeted customers instead of using discount codes

  • Increase conversion and profit generated by promos by eliminating friction at checkout

  • Avoid discount code leakage from sites like Honey, RetailMeNot, etc.

  • Showcase discounts on-site to boost offer effectiveness

  • Replace existing codes quickly and without significant dev work


With Intelligems Campaigns, the Company was able to quickly and easily add automatic discounts to their promo emails that customers could only access through a customized link. When users came to the site through this link, they could see they were getting a discount and it was automatically applied at checkout (no discount code required).

Here are the steps they followed:

1. Create the campaign in Intelligems

Flexibility in creating offers, including ability to apply the discount only to certain products and create progressive discount tiers based on cart value or number of units purchased.

2. Add Intelligems Campaign links to Klaviyo flows

Within Klaviyo, the team was able to easily add the Intelligems-generated links that unlocked the automatic discount for recipients of the promotion email.

3. Design the on-site experience

The Company leveraged Intelligems’s dynamic content replacement solution to advertise the discount only to customers that came to the site through the link in the targeted email. This eliminated any risk of code leakage.

4. Update the checkout script

After the campaign is created, a small change to checkout scripts (or a discount function for non-Shopify customers) is often required. The script was automatically generated by Intelligems and was ready to copy and paste as soon as the campaign was saved! The checkout script ensures that visitors get the correct discount at checkout.

5. Launch the campaign

After enabling the campaign in the Intelligems dashboard, the discount was live. The Company utilized Intelligems’s A/B testing tools to compare the performance of the automatically applied discount vs. a hold-back group which received discount codes. The result was a 26% increase in conversion and a 17% increase in profit.


Auto-applying the offer lead to a 26% conversion rate increase, and 17% higher profit per visitor!

The Laura Geller team was able to track this performance real-time in the Intelligems Analytics Dashboard.

They found significantly better performance for the group where the discount code was auto-applied. Without the barrier to applying to code and reduced confusion at checkout, customers converted at a 26% higher rate. This ultimately led to a 17% boost in profit per visitor!

Want to learn more about how to reduce code leakage and optimize your discounting strategy?
Want to learn more about how to reduce code leakage and optimize your discounting strategy?