AB Testing
Oct 11, 2023
Intelligems x Peel
Run Tests, Deep-Dive Data, Win More Repeat Purchases

Sam Duncan
When you run A/B tests using Intelligems, you can quickly and efficiently test hypotheses across your site. Intelligems allows you to pull all kinds of levers (including product prices, shipping rates, campaigns/offers, landing pages, and more) that enable you to find the sweet spots that resonate best with your customers and help you generate higher incremental profit.
But what if you want to understand how each test group impacts your sales long-term, through metrics like repurchase rate, one-time purchaser to subscriber behavior, or monthly cohort LTV?
That’s where our partner, Peel, comes in.
Peel is a retention analytics platform designed specifically for ecommerce businesses. They work with leading D2C brands, a huge portion of whom are in the Shopify ecosystem, and equip them with a holistic view of their stores’ performances.
Here’s how Intelligems x Peel takes your A/B testing deeper in order to help you get to the core of what’s making your customers convert.
Measure long-term impact of of your A/B tests
A/B tests help you optimize your store based on current data and results. However, the key to improving your contribution margins long-term is to pair split tests with cohort analytics. Let’s take a look at some examples of places where Peel can plug in to provide a deeper look at long term performance.
Want to improve your gift with purchase promotions or offers?
First and foremost, at Intelligems, we believe you should split test your offers before running them in order to find out what works best for your brand. But knowing where to start or what to test can be tricky…
Buyer behavior can help clue you into the best place to start when building GWP offers. With Peel, you can see your top product combos that are commonly purchased together so you can intentionally craft offers that will convert your high intent customers. Knowing which product combos are most likely to sell together – without manually pulling data, cleaning, formatting and running formulas – is a huge win, both while running a split test and after you test, as they allow you to continue monitoring product performance.

Want to improve free shipping thresholds or other offers?
As mentioned above, split testing helps you find the highest leverage and most profitable offers. Intelligems test analytics help you understand impact on CVR, AOV, PPR and more. Using them in tandem with Peel allows you to go a level deeper, and see the impact the tests have on your key growth metrics.
Peel offers hundreds of reports and metrics that are easily segmented by discount codes or shipping costs. This helps you narrow down and see the real impact of your A/B tests.
Repurchase rate by specific discount codes? ✅
6-month Cohort LTV by free shipping codes? ✅
Impact of testing a free gift offering on AOV? ✅

Want to optimize your subscription landing page for higher conversions?
You guessed it… you should be A/B testing your subscription discounts and pages too.
Peel brings you a deeper understanding of what product offerings, prices, promotions, campaigns, channels, and more are converting one-time purchasers to subscribers. This kind of data allows you to understand the long-term impact of your tests, and also sheds light on what’s possible and responsible to offer as a subscription discount.

Get Started with Intelligems x Peel for your Shopify store
Anything that you’re testing with Intelligems deserves a deep dive in Peel! Understanding customer purchasing patterns, product performance, and campaign results all help you build hypotheses that you can then split test in real time. Peel data also helps you understand the long term impact of each test group on retention, repurchase rate, and subscription.
And Peel pulls and computes everything directly from your Shopify data! As long as you have tags formatted to indicate your A/B test variants or specific campaign/code names you’re using (find my detail on how to tag your orders here), seeing the impact of your tests in Peel is easy!
Connect your Shopify store to Peel now and get a free trial today.
AB Testing