Optimize Profits From Your Shopify Store with Content Testing

Content Testing

Mar 27, 2024

Optimize Profits From Your Shopify Store with Content Testing

A/B test content across your Shopify store to see what copy, images, and design drive the most profit.

Drew Marconi

It's not enough for your Shopify store to look good. It also needs to motivate shoppers to browse, buy, and come back. And every single piece of site content (no matter how small) must support that goal. Ensuring your content actually does this requires *a lot* of A/B testing.

Google Optimize used to be the go-to tool for running these conversion rate optimization tests. But in September 2023, the tech behemoth sunsetted its content testing offering, forcing Shopify brands to either spring for expensive third-party tools or cross their fingers that their content converts.

With Intelligems' all-new Content Testing feature, you get the data you need to drive profits in just a few clicks–and for a fraction of the cost of most alternative). 

Meet the all-new Content Testing feature

With the new Content Testing feature, you can now easily run A/B, multivariate, and personalization tests on any part of your Shopify store. Use it to:

  • Split test images, text copy, HTML, or CSS with our visual content editor

  • Redirect visitors to multiple versions of any landing page or URL

  • Test entire Shopify themes or templates just by saving them as a draft

Best of all, analytics (like conversion rates, AOV, and profit per visitor) sync directly from your Shopify account without any setup. That way, you can track exactly how tests impact customer behavior, optimize content faster, and drive more profits. 

Tip: Our Content Testing feature is a powerful Google Optimize replacement for Shopify brands – at a tenth of the price of competitors like VWO, Optimizely and Convert.com.

Split test site content to find what drives profit

Use the Intelligems visual content editor to easily split test any text, images, HTML, JavaScript, or CSS on your Shopify store — all without tweaking back-end code. You'll instantly see whatever updates you make, enabling you to iterate and optimize content faster. 

Use redirects to measure which landing page performs best

Redirect between multiple versions of the same page to see which version resonates best with your customers — all from the same link. As you gather data, you can strategically shut down the underperforming version until you find the one that drives the most profits. 

Tip: Redirects are the perfect way to test-drive new or campaign-specific landing pages. And with Intelligems, you can test as many pages as you want. 

Test themes and templates without investing in a full redesign

Don't take a chance on a massive site redesign. Instead, split test new Shopify templates (e.g., your PDP or your collection page layout) or whole themes — sending some visitors to your existing site and others to a new version (or versions, as the case may be). 

To reduce risk, you can even send a small sample group to the test version and gradually increase the sample size over time, depending on how it performs. Best part? You can wait to officially launch the redesign until you have the data to prove it increases revenue or conversions!

Test literally anything else with the Javascript API

Haven't seen the content test you want to run yet? No worries — with our Javascript API, your developers can set up powerful custom tests by simply updating your store's back-end code. Use the API to test literally anything on your store, including custom experiences, UI components, and redesigns.

Track how each test performs in real-time 

See at a glance how every test performs in real time. Using our robust analytics dashboard, track how different versions of content affect shopper behavior from a conversion rate, revenue, and profit per visitor standpoint. That way, you can strategically optimize your Shopify store and ultimately drive incremental profits. 

Segment tests with audience and page targeting

You won’t want every visitor to be part of every single test With Intelligems, easily target tests to different segments of your store traffic — think mobile vs. desktop, new vs. returning, or paid vs. organic. Or, you limit tests to certain pages of your site. 

You can even use Javascript targeting to build custom segment logic. The result? Get the most useful data possible, by running tests only on the most relevant visitors. 

Start testing which content increases profits today

Content Testing is now available to all Profit Optimization and Intelligems Blue merchants, or with our standalone Content Testing Plan. Log in now to run your first content test.

Book a demo to see how you can increase profits with Content Testing. Or try Intelligems free for 7 days to get started. 
Book a demo to see how you can increase profits with Content Testing. Or try Intelligems free for 7 days to get started. 

Content Testing

AB Testing

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